Perspectives Backed By Data.

Insider Intelligence unlocks digital opportunities with the world’s most trusted forecasts, analysis, and benchmarks. We provide our clients with the confidence to know they are getting more than just a high level overview of what’s going on in their industry — they’ll be equipped with vetted data, actionable takeaways, and a clear view of the best strategies for success.

Grounded decisions in a digital world

Trusted by Industry Leaders Across The Globe

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What separates Insider Intelligence from other research firms is our commitment to objectivity. We’ve developed a rigorous proprietary data vetting and contextualization process to strip out potential biases and ensure clients’ confidence in our numbers—so that they can make better decisions for their business.

Our Research Team

Our Research team is responsible for collecting, curating, comparing and giving context to data compiled from over 3,000 global sources on a variety of topics, the largest number of sources in the industry. Sources include research firms, audience measurement companies, media agencies, government institutions and industry associations, among others. This third-party data is showcased in Insider Intelligence's charts, articles and reports.

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Our Forecasting Team

Our Forecasting team works with internal researchers, interviewers, and analysts to normalize relevant data within a defined area of analysis. This allows us to generate contextualized estimates that assess the size and direction of a variety of digital topics and metrics. Relied on by marketers and trusted by industry leading companies to craft future strategies, these forward-looking estimates present how digital trends are evolving using credible and unbiased numbers.

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What geographies does Insider Intelligence cover?

A holistic view of digital transformation requires robust coverage of the world’s most relevant markets, not just our home market in the US. Our analytical process provides clarity into all global markets we cover for native firms and those looking to compete internationally.

  • Enhanced Coverage (Unique and Global Sources)
  • Standard Coverage (Unique and Global Sources)

Who We Serve

The best-in-class research from Insider Intelligence benefits employees from all levels of the companies within the industries we cover, all the way up to the C-suite.

Become a Client

Heads of strategy, innovation, and emerging tech who want to follow digital trends and stay ahead of market disruptors to shape their businesses for the future

Marketing executives sizing up new markets, industries, and opportunities to grow their company's footprint and anticipate what’s coming next

Executives looking for data and insights to make better business decisions

Teams covering channel strategy, competitive intelligence, and innovation

Contact us.

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